Batumi Real Estate
If you are looking to buy or invest in Batumi, there are many advantages. We will try to cover all important aspects, real-time statistics, and the best investment opportunities.
Batumi is one of the most beautiful cities, where the sea meets the mountains, featuring historical architecture alongside modern buildings and towers. This city is known for its stunning beaches, clubs, hotels, crazy views from the mountains to the vast Black Sea. This is why Batumi has become one of Georgia's top destinations for real estate investments.
Investing in Batumi isn’t just a good idea; it can be supported by statistical numbers. Over the past few years, Batumi’s market has significantly risen. Don’t miss out on the best investment opportunities with high rental income.

Invest in Batumi
Batumi is located on the Black Sea coast in Adjara, Georgia. The city has huge advantages for foreign vacationers and investors, one of the reasons being the Georgian government, which offers many promotions to international investors. This is one of the reasons why Batumi real estate is becoming the best destination for real estate investments. The city has a strategic location and offers many benefits for investing here. The market is an attractive spot for both local and international investors.
Batumi has seen significant economic growth in the past few years. The main reasons for this growth are that Georgia has become more stable, the city of Batumi is stunning and attracts visitors, tourism is growing rapidly, and infrastructure development is at its peak. All these aspects, among others, have contributed to the increased demand for Batumi real estate.
Why invest in Batumi?
Investment Opportunities in Batumi
This city is attractive not only with modern and historical buildings, not only for tourists, but also with a rapidly developing real estate market, which promises significant returns.
Find out more about each of these great opportunities:
- Residential Properties
- Commercial Properties
- Rental Properties
- Key Investment Areas

Batumi Real Estate Residential Market Overview
Batumi's residential real estate market is growing fast, sales increase and so does the average price. 306,397 SQM of residential space was sold in the first and second quarters of 2022 and the average price was 674 USD per square meter. In 2023, the sales volume increased to 374,148 SQM and the average price per SQM increased to 876 USD (30% YoY increase).
Information about Georgian real estate
Batumi Economic Review and Effect on Georgia’s economy
Is Batumi Good for real estate investment?
Yes, Batumi is an attractive and promising city for real estate investment because of several factors: price growth and market resilience, high rental demand, government legal benefits for foreign investors, Georgia’s economic growth and development and Batumi’s strategic location.
Is Georgia a good place for real estate investment?
Answer will be avaliable soon
Can Foreigners buy real estate in Georgia?
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What it the property tax in Batumi?
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